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Autor: kepa  Saada kiri autorile
Pilt lisatud: 13.08.2005

Rästiku poeg


An yearling female adder, basking in nighfall.

Avatar toruonu (võsavillem@4.50) 2005-08-15 00:27:38 | Koduleht
It seems that kepa has opened up his portfolio of adders :) I don't even manage to keep an overview of which of them I have checked and rated versus which not yet :) This particular picture isn't as good as some previous ones have been.  I'd say the stone dominates a bit too much here and the colours aren't as nice as the others were however I don't know if the colors are such due to the fact that it's a female adder.
Avatar kepa (reinuvader@3.53) 2005-08-15 01:32:50
You can sex adders, due coloration of labials. Females has always brownish labials (lips), in generally adults are easy to sex, males are dark and greyish (and have longer tail) and females brownish. Only newborn and yearlings are same coloured in generally, except labials and lenght of tail is different :) Sometimes there are some confusions between sex in yearlings (in field situation) but im 90% sure about sex of this small adder.

And about the photo, for some reason i like it more than some of my previous posts, but its a matter of taste i quess ...
Avatar Sven Z. (tigekull@5.00) 2005-08-17 22:55:44 | Koduleht
See tegelinski on ikka väga ägedalt ennast sinna kivide vahele pressinud. See ongi keskkonna pilt.
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